Jelly Bears - Kids Nursery Rhymes And Baby Songs

Jelly Bears - Kids Nursery Rhymes And Baby Songs

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Индекс успешности: 2 817 954

Дата создания: 12 Сентября 2015 09:25:42

Ключевые слова: ″Jelly bears″ ″gummy bear crying″ ″gummy bear″ ″finger family″ ″johny johny yes papa″ ″finger family song″ ″finger song″ ″daddy finger″ ″gummy bear song″ ″daddy finger song″ ″nursery rhymes for kids″ ″giant chocolate″ ″finger family and morecartoons for children″ ″learn colors for children″ ″nursery poems″ ″family finger″ ″toys for kids″ ″surprise eggs″ gummy bear gummi cartoon ″nursery rhyme″ ″bad baby″ gumballs ″baby songs″ toys ″simple songs for children″ cars ″surprise songs″

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Описание канала

Jelly Bears is a channel that perfectly mixes two of your toddler’s favorite things: Bears and Jelly. At Jelly Bears, we provide a compilation of videos for kids that features the jelly bears. Who are these jelly bears? Well they are like gummy bears except that they are energetic, mischievous and very intelligent cartoons, just like your kids! So we know they will be best buddies immediately. The jelly bears are the best friends you can ever have; they will sing and dance to your favorite baby songs with you, and will also help you learn and practice your ABC′s and your 123′s outside kindergarten . This channel is a source for a variety of nursery rhymes, children videos featuring jelly bears animated in such a way, that your children will not stop looking at the screen as they are so colorful and delicious. Subscribe to this channel and let your kids make some cartoon friends for a change!

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