Cartoon Town - Nursery Rhymes and Kids Songs

Cartoon Town - Nursery Rhymes and Kids Songs

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Индекс успешности: 168 105 924

Дата создания: 26 Августа 2013 13:53:45

Ключевые слова: ″nursery rhymes″ ″nursery rhyme″ rhyme rhymes kids kid baby babies children childrens toddlers toddler preschool ″kids app″ cartoon cartoons song songs music videos ″for kids″ ″for baby″ ″for children″ ″rhymes for nursery″ nursery learn learning kindergarten ″kids songs″ ″childrens songs″ ″children rhymes″ ″kids rhymes″ ″baby video″ english ″rhyme songs″ ″songs for children″ preschoolers ″kids music″ lyrics ″music for kids″ ″kindergarten songs″ ″nursery rhyme cartoon″ educational ″kids youtube″

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All children love to sit inside their preschool bus; it is where they meet some of their kindergarten friends and also, it is the subject of their popular children rhyme ‘The Wheels on the Bus’. Kids love to put their windows up and down, and their favorite part is jumping up and down when the bus goes over some bumps. Now why should the kids have to sing this nursery rhyme only when they are on the bus and not anywhere else? Children shouldn’t be deprived of their fun, so we decided to create a YouTube bus of our own, which never stops, thus allowing children to sing their nursery song as often as they want. Yes, the wheels of every bus in our compilations of kids videos also goes round and round, and your toddlers can pretend like they are on a bus and have the ride of a lifetime! But do not forget to subscribe!

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