TNT - Topic

TNT - Topic

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Дополнительно о канале

Индекс успешности: 0

Дата создания: 21 Декабря 2013 02:20:27

Ссылка на канал:

Описание канала

TNT is a Russian federal TV channel, considered to be one of the five most popular TV channels in Russia. In the beginning of 2012, its potential audience reached the number of more than 104 million people.
The target audience of the channel is made of viewers from 14 to 44 years old, but actually its core is mostly youngsters, of 18 to 30 years old. The channel has an entertaining focus, as it specializes mostly on TV shows and comedy series.
The TNT channel was founded in 1997. Since 2001, it has been member of the Gazprom-Media Holding, the flagship TV channel of the sub-holding Gazprom-Media Entertainment TV, founded in 2015.
The TNT business model is a television network, its main source of income is advertisement. The TV signal passes through a system of the TNT’s regional TV stations as well as to the company’s regional partners. Those, in turn, get part of the advertising time within the framework ...
This channel was generated automatically by YouTube′s video discovery system.

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