Индекс успешности: 125 766
Дата создания: 20 Октября 2012 11:23:20
Страна: PL
Ссылка на канал: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwxvPDql90295j8OzivvCiQ
Описание канала★ Hi! Welcome to my channel! ★
• Natalia (you can call me nat, tally) | 17
• Birthday: August 22nd
• Country: Poland
• Vidding: February 2015
★ Thank you very much for subscribing, watching and your amazing comments on my videos. That really means a lot to me and I really appreciate it! ★
• humour channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChG8iLXnXWRmIFCtThSgfEw/
PREVIOUS USERNAME: xteardropsonmyshirtx