Kid Studio

Kid Studio

3 621

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Трэйлер канала:

Индекс успешности: 0

Дата создания: 23 Января 2015 18:19:13

Страна: VN

Ключевые слова: ″Kid Studio″ xe ″xe oto″ ″xe ô tô″ car ″car toy″ ″xe đồ chơi″ ″ô tô đồ chơi″ ″xe máy xúc″ ″xe tải″ ″xe cần cẩu″ ″xe trộn bê tông″ ″xe chở rác″ ″bóc trứng″ ″xe công trình″ ″máy bay″ ″người nhện″ ″em bé″ ″xe tăng″ ″xe máy″ ″xe đạp″

Ссылка на канал:

Описание канала

Funtime Media Corp. JSC was founded in 2017 to make quality children’s content, with the intent of making our videos free to our viewers.

Kid Studio is a video channel with entertainment and educational content for kids. Characters appearing in our videos are Trucks, Police Cars, Racing Cars, Excavators, Ambulances, Fire Trucks,… along with famous superheroes such as: Spider-man, Hulk, Iron Man,..
Promises to bring you funny and hilarious videos, and meaningful lessons about life, contribute to development of children’s thinking and humanity in a positive way.

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