Best Friends Animal Society

Best Friends Animal Society

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Трэйлер канала: Visit Best Friends Animal Sanctuary

Индекс успешности: 42 915

Дата создания: 02 Ноября 2006 17:53:52

Страна: US

Ключевые слова: ″best friends animal society″ sanctuary dogs cats animals ″animal rescue″ nonprofit non profit

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Описание канала

Best Friends Animal Society is the only national animal welfare organization dedicated to ending the killing of dogs and cats in America′s shelters. A leader in the no-kill movement, Best Friends runs lifesaving programs in partnership with more than 1,900 rescue groups and shelters across the country; regional centers in New York City, Los Angeles, Atlanta and Salt Lake City; and the nation′s largest no-kill sanctuary for companion animals. Founded in 1984, Best Friends has helped reduce the number of animals killed in shelters nationwide from 17 million per year to about two million. That means there are still nearly 5,500 dogs and cats killed every day in shelters, just because they don’t have safe places to call home. We are determined to get that number to zero by the year 2025. Working together with you, we will end the killing and Save Them All®. For more information, visit

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