XCOM vohich

XCOM vohich

2 849

Дополнительно о канале

Трэйлер канала:

Индекс успешности: 295

Дата создания: 31 Июля 2016 19:36:40

Страна: RU

Ключевые слова: pvp match multiplayer ″xcom 2″ vohich ″xcom 2 lets play″ strategy tactics gamespot ″xcom 2 ps4″ пришельцы шеф ufo ″xcom 2 ironman″ ″xcom 2 tips″ ″xcom 2 legend″ ″xcom 2 gameplay″ #ps4live ″lets play xcom 2″ ″for beginners″ aliens advent ps4 pc ″top player″ tips archon leaderboards ″alien hunters″ dlc стратегия прохождение legend xcom ″xcom 2 walkthrough″ xcom2 ″xcom 2 мультиплеер″ gameplay game ″xcom 2 multiplayer″ mods ″xcom 2 pvp″ ″xcom 2 school″ video ″xcom 2 vohich″ мультиплеер

Ссылка на канал: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtsHg1b3vtP5O1GMz8wKTuA

Описание канала

Thank you for visiting my channel, guys

My nickname is vohich and I am loyal XCOM 2 fan, so play and stream only this game

Goal of this channel is to attract more players into XCOM 2 Multiplayer and support our favorite game

Thus, your subscription and friend request on PSN and Steam will be highly appreciated:

- vohich at PSN
- vohich at Steam

I will be happy to give you some tips how to become stronger at XCOM 2, as I am sure that fight against human is tougher than campaign
on Legend/Ironman difficulty

After several Multiplayer Matches you will understand ADVENT/aliens from inside and become immortal

I do not need donations, please watch my videos for free and learn best tactics and units mechanics

Will be generous for any help with promotion


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