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Индекс успешности: 76

Дата создания: 25 Июля 2012 05:21:45

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Описание канала

Heyo! Seems you′ve accidentally cracked open an interdimentional rift that caused a weirdmaggedon which is my channel.... Yeah hi.

In case you cant tell, I′m a cartoon nerd! My love of cartoons is also expressed threw webkinz, thus my channel, aquacat739, exists.
I have 109 signatures ( not to mention I have 11 marble cats ), over 300 regulars, including zums, mazin hamsters, kinz clips, and 2 webkinz juniors. I DO NOT TRADE MY CHILDREN DONT ASK!!!!
I′m a huge fan of Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, Yuri!!! On Ice, Voltron, and Star Vs the Forces of Evil. My love for these shows is expressed threw my most popular series, ″Webkinz: WhAt iS Up wItH tHis?!″
I love making friends! Feel free to inbox me via YouTUbe, or DM me threw instagram!! Thanks for Stopping By!!

Stay Weird ~Aqua

╔══════†††══════════ ═♥
║97% of you won′t post this. When
║Jesus died on the cross he was
║thinking of you. If you′re one of 3% that
║cares, put this on your channel.

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