Marina Orlova

Marina Orlova

6 509

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Трэйлер канала:

Индекс успешности: 101

Дата создания: 27 Февраля 2007 02:48:44

Ключевые слова: Google ″Google trends″ ″Pop culture″ Internet ″pop art″ ″street art″ ″punk rock″ ″punk clothing″ ″artist clothing″ ″have balls to wear it″

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Описание канала

Marina Orlova, known to millions of fans around the world as a sexy master of language, HotForWords, is Internet “sensation”.
Marina has has studied both English and Russian extensively. She has two degrees: one in Russian Language Education and World Literature, with a specialization in Philology, and another in English Language Education, with a specialization in Philology.
In February of 2007, officially launched the HotForWords channel on YouTube.The channel rocketed her to global prominence. In each video she takes word requests from YouTube users and discusses their meanings and origins. Called the “Sexiest philologist in the world” by New Yorker Magazine, Marina was voted the World’s #1 Sexiest Geek by, she’s a regular on Fox Network’s O’Reilly Factor Show, she was voted the 5th hottest woman on the net by G4 TV, she’s been recommended by the New York Times Magazine, she was mentioned in Cosmopolitan as one of the top 3 channels on YouTube.

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