Magic Sound

Magic Sound

3 192

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Трэйлер канала:

Индекс успешности: 0

Дата создания: 31 Марта 2016 13:10:58

Страна: US

Ключевые слова: ″gaming music″ ″best gaming music″ ″music mix″ edm ncs music mix ″top 20 songs″ ″best songs″ ″best of″

Ссылка на канал:

Описание канала

Magic Sound is an electronic label dedicated to promoting artists from around the world and providing quality music to content creators.

➤ Please read carefully before submitting!

• If your track is not signed under any label, you must own all the copyrights to your track.
• If your track was released under any label, you must obtain the labels approval to submit it to Magic Sound first.
• If your track includes vocals, you must have the vocalists approval to submit it to Magic Sound.
• You may submit official and unofficial remixes.
• You may submit multiple tracks individually at any time.

Please keep in mind that by submitting, you agree to let Magic Sound upload and monetize your submitted track on YouTube. Therefore prepare to sign an online permission agreement form sent from Magic Sound to you for signing in case your track gets accepted.

☞ Send us your music to get on Magic Sound :

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