Killing Reagan

Killing Reagan

2 797

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Индекс успешности: 1

Дата создания: 04 Октября 2016 19:42:48

Ключевые слова: ″Killing Reagan″ ″Ronald Reagan″ ″John Hinckley Jr.″ ″TIm Matheson″ ″national geographic″ ″nat geo″ natgeo animals wildlife science explore discover survival nature culture documentary ″President Reagan″ Reagan President ″President of the United States″ Assassination ″Kyle S. More″ ″President Assassination″ ″Bill O’Reilly″ ″Bill O’reilly best seller″ novel ″President Ronald Reagan″ Hollywood ″White House″ History ″tv show″ series special movie

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Описание канала

A dramatic film based on Bill O’Reilly’s best-seller, Killing Reagan explores how the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan impacted his presidency. Reaching back to the golden days of Hollywood through his years in the California governor’s mansion, Killing Reagan goes in-depth on Reagan′s rise to power, nearly cut short after a gunman’s bullet came within inches of his heart.

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