Justine J

Justine J

4 614

Дополнительно о канале

Трэйлер канала:

Индекс успешности: 26

Дата создания: 03 Октября 2011 19:24:31

Страна: VG

Ключевые слова: Quantum Leap ᴾᴿᴬᶜᵀᴵᶜᴱ ᴿᴬᴺᴰᴼᴹ ᴷᴵᴺᴰᴺᴱˁˁ ᴬᴺᴰ ˁᴱᴺˁᴱᴸᴱˁˁ ᴬᶜᵀˁ ᴼᶠ ᴮᴱᴬᵁᵀʸ

Ссылка на канал: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiVFf-2q5cSTADA91iEO8Og

Описание канала

ᴾᴿᴬᶜᵀᴵᶜᴱ ᴿᴬᴺᴰᴼᴹ ᴷᴵᴺᴰᴺᴱˁˁ ᴬᴺᴰ ˁᴱᴺˁᴱᴸᴱˁˁ ᴬᶜᵀˁ ᴼᶠ ᴮᴱᴬᵁᵀʸ


The real Art of Conversation is not only to say the right thing in the right place but to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment [[[*◡′]]]

(◔‿~) (◕‿◕) (☀‿☀) (╹◡╹) (◠‿◠) ( ^ᴥ^) (॓_॔) (◑.◑) (=′ᴥ′=) (⊙﹏⊚) (ᵔᴥᵔ) (ಠ.ಠ)
(⊙_☉) (⊙▂⊙) ❤(ړײ) (◔␣◔) (๏̯͡๏ ) ʕ·͡ᴥ·ʔ ᕙ(◑‿◐)ᕗ (͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ °) ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ ♫ ♪ ☁
❤ (‾◡◝) (ツ)♥ ლ(╹◡╹ლ) (=ↀ◡ↀ=) (☉◡☉) (►.◄) ❤ ( ☉_☉ )✿⊱╮░Şɱiℓɛʂ░ ¸¸.•*¨*«❥ ❃Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ❃ ☆ ✧ ♥ ∿✿∿✿ •ღ இڿڿڰڿ❀ ❤ ❃╮✿̶̥̥✿̶̥̥✿̶̥̥ ♡❀‿❀♡


So let′s dance, there′s nothing else left. Mindless euphoria, throw away your inhibitions, your thoughts mean nothing, so you hear nothing, see nothing, say nothing. Deaf, blind , mute. Do this and you′ll go far. Rinse and repeat when necessary. Eat your food. Drink your alcohol. Watch your TV. Close your eyes and lock your doors.


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