Hi-Rez Studios

Hi-Rez Studios

5 899

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Индекс успешности: 0

Дата создания: 29 Октября 2008 21:45:18

Ключевые слова: ″Global Agenda″ ″Tribes: Ascend″ SMITE Hi-Rez gaming f2p free-to-play ″video games″ mmo fps mmofps ″team fortress″ ″no elves″ ″tribes 2″ mmorpg sci-fi gods dieties

Ссылка на канал: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChU7-OvMJtArQoh_aatB8ew

Описание канала

Based in Alpharetta, Georgia, Hi-Rez is an industry leading video game publisher and developer at the forefront of the free-to-play, games-as-a-service industry. Hi-Rez’s games have been played by more than 70 million people worldwide, across PC, Xbox One®, PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system, Nintendo Switch™, iOS and Android.

With three games regularly among the Top 10 free-to-play games on Steam, Hi-Rez is one of the few Western developers to have successfully launched multiple, multi-platform games as a service titles to a large audience. Having won multiple awards and accolades for innovation and technology, Hi-Rez has also been recognized for its company culture, leadership and diversity as an employer. Additional information about Hi-Rez Studios can be found at: www.hirezstudios.com

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