FPRN Radio

FPRN Radio

3 899

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Трэйлер канала:

Индекс успешности: 0

Дата создания: 11 Октября 2013 01:59:20

Ключевые слова: fprn radio news phalanx liberty freedom justice truth rights

Ссылка на канал: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeRI06eEMKny-7W0FurHjmQ

Описание канала

The Freedom Phalanx Radio Network was born of activism. We, as members of humanity, & more specifically, ″members″ of this liberty ″movement″, must stick together. We are strongest when we fight together towards our common cause. That cause is liberty.

We may all have our differences, our varying opinions, & we at FPRN think that our programs are evidence to how diverse all of us really are. However, there is one uniting factor with all of us at FPRN. We ALL are striving for more liberty. We are a family in that respect. Whether you are fighting big government, corporate media, militarized police or ruthless oligarchs, you are fighting for the FREEDOM to choose how you will live your own life.

If you support free speech & appreciate true grass-roots Liberty talk radio, please support us by donation, or just by listening, spreading the word to friends, family, & social media outlets.

Pha·lanx ˈfālaNGks,ˈfal-/ 1. a number of people united for a common purpose


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Mark Thompson
Его рекомендуют

Динамика канала
