Andrea Guasch - Topic

Andrea Guasch - Topic

3 842

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Индекс успешности: 1

Дата создания: 21 Декабря 2013 07:39:14

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Описание канала

Andrea Guasch is a Spanish actress, singer, and dancer. She started her artistic career when she was just 2 years old when she played the star in a commercial.
When she was 4, she started to receive tuition in classic ballet and jazz and then went on to study hip-hop, breakdance, tap dancing and contemporary dancing. In October 2007, she passed the Royal Academy of Dance’s Intermediate examination with the grade of “Merit”.
During her childhood, she took part in almost a hundred commercials and then embarked upon a career as an actress. Since she was 9 until today, she has enrolled in numerous acting, singing and dubbing courses and seminars at various specialised centres: Escola Memory, Eòlia, Magatzem d’Arts, Aules, Juan Carlos Corazza Studio...
She has played parts in several theatrical plays, La extraña señora Vernon, Mulato, Les obres completes de William Shakespeare, El lladre de fantasies and Arséni...
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