Great Apps 4 Kids

Great Apps 4 Kids

3 530

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Индекс успешности: 6 249 950

Дата создания: 11 Мая 2015 16:10:19

Ключевые слова: ″Top kids apps″ ″best kids apps″ gameplay preschool ″kids apps″ kindergarten nursery ″apps for children″ homeschooling ″educational games″ ″app reviews″ ″children apps″ ″apps for kids″ ″kids app″ apps4kids IOS Android educational learning ″educational apps″

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Welcome to Great Apps 4 Kids!

We are a channel focused on featuring video previews and gameplays of some of the best kids apps available for iOS and Android devices. Videos are the best way to get a decent feel of an app’s contents, design, tone and pace.

There are thousands of fantastic apps for kids and it can be a bit overwhelming to browse and choose the one. We do the browsing for you and we can bring to you the good ones that are worth trying.

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