Morgan Nichol

Morgan Nichol

2 646

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Индекс успешности: 361

Дата создания: 21 Марта 2017 21:08:48

Страна: CA

Ссылка на канал:

Описание канала

Hey Everyone,

I′m an independent composer from Northern Canada. I started composing songs for this channel at the beginning of 2017.
My style is heavily influenced by Nature/Wiccan/Witch culture and Fantasy.

All music is self composed and recorded.
Most of my music on the channel will be ″Demo or Unmastered″ versions until they are available for release and future albums.

I′d like to personally thank everyone who enjoys and supports any of the music I compose.
It means a great deal when others reach out, who take time out of their day to say thank you or appreciate what I do.

I will always try my best to reply to any questions or comments.

This channel is new, so I′d like to give you guys an idea of what I have planned for this year.

2018 Goals

- Album release late 2018
- Reach 35 - 40 Videos on Channel
- Daily Routine/More get to know me

Please contact me if you would like to get in touch!
© Copyright of all uploaded music belongs to Morgan Nichol.

Последние видео на канале

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Динамика канала
