Индекс успешности: 4 862
Дата создания: 18 Февраля 2016 11:30:40
Ссылка на канал: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXoHt2KGgrfxCOS1QY2JD2A
Описание каналаNo regrets.. and yet, every regret.
Previously ➡ xLittleAnny
Anna | Italy
Obsessed w/ Stranger Things, Game of Thrones, Vikings, Cross-overs (expecially book dreamcasts, medieval & mythological), Harry Potter.
My biggest OTPs:
Dex/Emma//Ethanessa//Clace//Ragnar/Lagertha but you can see the others in my list of ships.
My forever&ever crushes: Skeet Ulrich, Travis Fimmel, Reeve Carney, Brad Pitt.
➡I don′t sub for sub, so don′t ask
➡I don′t take requests, but I do take suggests
➡I tend to join only collabs hosted by friends
Icon made by Jazzi Balkan