Kids Tv Channel - Cartoon Videos for Kids

Kids Tv Channel - Cartoon Videos for Kids

1 210
4 436

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Индекс успешности: 219 438 370

Дата создания: 31 Октября 2012 14:55:57

Ключевые слова: transformer ″for kids″ ″learn colors″ ″for children″ learning ″songs for kids″ baby play family kid′s car kid cars ″baby videos″ cartoon kids ″for kindergarten″ colors surprise videos songs ″toy factory″ babies nursery ″family finger″ ″nursery rhymes songs″ esl ″video for kids″ vehicles ″funny videos″ toys rhyme ″kids learning″ ″monster trucks″ ″kids cartoon″ ″kids videos″ ″car wash″ ″preschool songs″ ″cars cartoon″ ″johny johny yes papa″ superhero ″tow truck″ ″kids learn″ ″learn colors with″ 3d

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Описание канала

Kids TV Channel is an online kids channel that is dedicated to making preschool learning fun for kids. Our animated videos for kids will promote the cognitive growth in your children, and teach them the joys of learning their alphabets, shapes and numbers. Although we present an array of nursery rhymes and children songs for preschool learning, we specialize in making compilations of videos about transport vehicles, such as cars, firetrucks, tow trucks, police cars, ambulances and much more! Our car wash videos and car races are known for giving toddlers a much-needed break from their studies while teaching them in another manner. We also provide scary cartoon videos using Halloween monsters, to encourage kids to learn from every medium possible. Our surprise eggs will help kids revise their lessons, and our games will make them practice them! If you want to provide your baby with a wholesome learning experience, don’t hesitate to subscribe to this channel!

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