This Side Up - An Unboxing & Toy Review

This Side Up - An Unboxing & Toy Review

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Индекс успешности: 453

Дата создания: 21 Февраля 2017 19:44:42

Страна: US

Ключевые слова: ″this side up″ ″unboxing toys for kids″ ″unboxing toys for children″ ″unboxing toys″ ″toys unboxing″ ″toy unboxing″ ″unboxing videos″ ″toy unboxing reviews″ ″toy review″ ″review toys″ review ″kids toy review″ ″toys for kids″ ″toy channel″ ″kids toy youtube″ ″videos for kids″ hasbro transformers ″star wars″ lego ″for kids″ ″for children″ ″lego buildable figures″ ″unboxing star wars″ ″lego review″

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Описание канала

This Side Up - is the first, kid friendly, Learning YouTube Toy Channel, where we are not only unboxing toys, but bringing them to life with interesting facts. Every toy has a history and we are trying to show this to you in our toy unboxing reviews. We choose only the best toys for our toy reviews like Transformers, Star Wars and Lego toys by Hasbro and others. Our kids toy review is a mix of interesting facts, exciting toys and lots of fun! Unboxing toys for children, we show their characteristics and try to give a reasonable rating. We rate a toy by its safety, quality, originality, packaging and price. We also, enjoy asking our viewers engaging questions and are always happy to answer any of the viewer’s questions. Don’t forget to take part in our quizzes! So watch our unboxing videos, enjoy these amazing toys and learn some new and exciting things about these toys.

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  Serg26117 (канал cool video)
01 Декабря 2017 
Добрый день я недавно нашел этот сайт и хотел бы обменятся видео роликом для дальнейшей раскрутки канала