Maxafter 1

Maxafter 1

5 301

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Индекс успешности: 6 688

Дата создания: 30 Октября 2009 17:39:57

Ключевые слова: ″After Effects″ ″After Effects templates″ ″Free After Effects Templates″ ″Free After Effects Tutorials″ ″After Effects projects″ ″After effects title″ ″After effects promo″ ″after effects commercial″ ″after effects trailer″ ″3ds max″ ″after effects 3d animation″ ″after effects 3d text shatter″ maxafter ″shoaib khan″ particles ″After Effects shatter″ pieces pictures smash break ″glass shatter″ ″After effects particular″ communication ″bourne identity″

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Описание канала

Shoaib Khan is a Freelance Motion Graphic Designer with a Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design and an MA in Computer Imaging and Animation from Metropolitan University London, UK in 2000. My MA dissertation project was show-cased in Compute Arts Magazine (53rd edition jan 2001), which is Uk’s biggest selling 3D computer magazine. I have worked as an Art Director, Senior 3D Animator, 3D Visualizer, 3D Artist and Graphic Designer for different London based TV channels and Post Production companies.
Besides Freelancing and producing Quality After Effects Templates for VIDEOHIVE, I have produced and published over 50 Quality Templates and Tutorials, used by creative professionals, Tv Channels and post production companies around the Globe. I continue to work as Freelance in addition to publishing new, exciting products and tutorials for the growing motion graphics and visual effects community.

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