Индекс успешности: 5 138
Дата создания: 25 Февраля 2011 02:27:16
Ключевые слова: Yoga ″Rethink Yoga″ ″Kim Shand″ ″Yoga videos″ exercise rethinkyoga.com fitness ″weight loss″
Ссылка на канал: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLOvgdqDbAivklHZwaL1iZw
Описание каналаWe can be more, do more and control more of our lives than we think. We often believe we’re unable to change our bodies, our influence, or our level of satisfaction, so we stop trying. We develop a ″fear of failure″ that prevents us from pursuing risks or taking on new adventures. As our lives and bodies change - we give up our sense of power along with our skinny jeans. It happens because we lie to ourselves that we can no longer look good, feel good, or be sexy. I believe we all have what it takes to be healthy, to live vibrantly, and with great passion. There is a light inside of all of us that too often goes dim. Reignite yourself - Rethink Yoga - Rethink you.
Rethink Yoga is empowerment yoga. It is based on a belief that we all have the birthright and the capacity to realize a life of joy, meaning and purpose.
Check out Kim′s workshops and other online offerings ; www.rethinkyoga.com.