Winter′s Dusk In Mistful Abyss II

Winter′s Dusk In Mistful Abyss II

3 952

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Индекс успешности: 640

Дата создания: 23 Ноября 2013 16:55:57

Страна: GR

Ключевые слова: ″Winter′s Dusk In Mistful Abyss″ wdima ″post rock″ ″black metal″ ″post metal″ shoegaze ″ambient music″ ″depressive black metal″ dsbm experimental ″instrumental rock″ ″post black metal″ hellenic metal bands ″greek rock″ blackgaze ″official channel″ ″death metal″ ″experimental rock″ ″progressive rock″ ″post punk″ ″punk rock″

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Описание канала

• Winter′s Dusk In Mistful Abyss II (official) • Music Community
This is a non-profit channel, made only for fun and for supporting bands and artists, mostly underground, underrated, unknown.

In this channel you′ll take a journey through the dark paths of Post rock | Post metal | Black metal | Doom | Death metal | Ambient | Shoegaze | Experimental rock and all the subgenres. Mostly atmospheric music...

• EDGAR ALLAN POE ~ ″Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words″.
• SOCRATES ~ ″All men′s souls are immortal, but the souls of the righteous are immortal and divine″.
• ARISTOTLE ~ ″Democracy is when the indigent, and not the men of property, are the rulers″.
• JOHNNY CASH ~ ″I′m wearing black because it′s my symbol of rebellion, against a stagnant status quo, against your hypocritical houses of God, against people whose minds are closed to others′ ideas″.

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© w.d.i.m.a.

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