Tiny Toy Town

Tiny Toy Town

3 033

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Трэйлер канала:

Индекс успешности: 4 028

Дата создания: 02 Сентября 2016 18:08:34

Страна: GB

Ключевые слова: ″Learn Colors″ Color Colors learn learning ″sand toys″ toddler babies kids ″toys for kids″ ″beach toys″ toy ″Kids play″ ″Learning colors with Kinetic sand″ ″Learn colours using sand″ ″Kids fun with sand″ ″Toy sand″ ″Play sand″ ″Playing with sand″ ″Shovelling sand″ Shovel Educational ″Imaginative play″ ″Make treasure island″ ″Home school″ ″baby learn colours″ ″kids animation″ ″kids animation songs″ ″learn colores for kids″ play ″family fun″ ″learn colors″ ″Tiny Toy Town″ ″learn colors with″

Ссылка на канал: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHiW-DwUbeT3GnMvQy_7iOw

Описание канала

Tiny Toy Town is a kids toy channel full of fun storys, toy unboxing, role playing, make believe and much more!
Our goal is to inspire imagination and to make kids learning fun.
Some of the learning areas covered include kids learn colors, kids learn numbers, kids learn to count, kids learn shapes, kids learn words, kids learn aninals and kids learn colours.
Some of the toys used in our videos include pepper pig, paw patrol, Moana, Thomas the tank engine, Disney princesses, Ben and holly and minions.
Check out this great learning video with Kinetic Sand https://youtu.be/ePtxUwwIDSM

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