Индекс успешности: 1 650
Дата создания: 17 Апреля 2016 12:19:09
Страна: RU
Ссылка на канал: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGtnvOc04E2NVgvVN9-vmZQ
Описание каналаHello...
*this is the channel for two
*f we write the sentence ″Vika (Tosha)″ or ″Kristina″, it is necessary that they knew who you replied to your comment
*you can call us Vika (or Tosha) or Kristina. Well, or KristoVik)
*We are from Russia
*We can talk in Russian or English (our English is not very good..)
*A program that uses Vika (Tosha):
-Paint Tool Sai
-Photoshop cs6
-Movavi video editor
-Sony Vegas Pro 11
*A program that uses Kristina:
-Paint Tool Sai
-Photoshop cs6
-Sony Vegas Pro 11