Little Smart Kids

Little Smart Kids

2 922

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Индекс успешности: 35 279 011

Дата создания: 14 Мая 2016 15:52:38

Страна: US

Ключевые слова: ″cartoons for kids″ ″cartoons for children″ ″fire truck for kids″ ″cartoon fire truck″ ″tow truck for kids″ ″trucks for kids″ ″cartoon trucks″ ″Ambulance for kids″ ″cartoon Ambulance″ ″Excavator for kids″ ″cartoon Excavator″ ″police car for children″ ″cars cartoons″ ″car cartoon″ ″cars for children″ ″police car for kids″ ″fire truck″ ″monster trucks″ ″funny cars″ ″cartoon about cars″ ″Handy Andy″

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This channel ″Little Smart Kids″ of our friend of Handy Andy. He will tell us many interesting and informative stories. In animated cartoons of Handy Andy will go by different machines (monster truck, pickups and by sport cars). Will show how the fire truck works, police. On little smart kids channel – only the most interesting animated cartoons developing animated cartoons, animated cartoons about machines.
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