Трэйлер канала: BuzzFeedBlue Is Now BuzzFeedMultiplayer
Индекс успешности: 0
Дата создания: 05 Мая 2014 23:01:18
Ключевые слова: sports ″video games″ science facts weird gross buzzfeed buzzfeedblue ″awesome science″ ″people try″ games athletic athletes
Ссылка на канал: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBUVGPsJzc1U8SECMgBaMFw
Описание каналаBuzzFeedBlue is now BuzzFeedMultiplayer, your new home for all things gaming, cosplay, real life recreations, interviews with celebs, board games, real professionals playing games, challenges, and more! If this sounds like the stuff you’re into then please subscribe today!
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