JTC Guitar

JTC Guitar

6 555

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Трэйлер канала:

Индекс успешности: 0

Дата создания: 12 Января 2007 21:52:54

Страна: GB

Ключевые слова: jamtrackcentral guitar jamtrack ″jam track central″ ″jtc guitar″ jtc ″jam tracks″ ″jam track″ ″jam tracks guitar″ ″guthrie govan late night sessions″ ″guthrie govan″ ″andy james″ ″martin miller″ ″al joseph″ ″mateus asato″ ″marco sfogli″ ″alex hutchings″ ″west coast grooves″ ″learn guitar″ ″free guitar lessons″ ″guitar lessons for advanced players″ ″lick library″ ″toon tracks″ ″fender play″ guitareo ″online guitar lessons″ ″learn guitar online″ ″how to play guitar″ ″guitar masterclasses″ ″lari basilio″ ″rabea massaad″ ″vinai trinateepakdee″ ″roy viz″ ″luca mantonavelli″ ″zakk wylde″ ″zakk wylde lessons″ ″guthrie govan lessons″ ″blues jam tracks″ ″free guitar lessons″ ″beginners guitar lessons″ ″guitar for beginners″ ″ free online guitar″ ″play guitar online″ ″best guitar lessons″ ″learn guitar online″ ″acoustic guitar lessons″ ″youtube guitar lessons″ ″blues guitar lesson″ ″acoustic blues″ ″guitar player″

Ссылка на канал: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBAciNG_R9nqVBk45qKJN6w

Описание канала

From humble beginnings to inspiring millions of guitar players across the world. We create high quality and inspirational products for aspiring guitarists.

Our aim is to help those guitarists become the best player they can be, and we do that with original content from the world’s greatest players.
We have over 75 artists and 1500 releases covering a wide range of genres and levels, but we’ve only just begun.

Our history is built on unearthing new talent, inspiring players and producing content of a calibre far superior to anyone else. And that’s what we’ll continue to do in the future.

No matter your level, no matter what type of guitar playing you love, if you want to Raise Your Game, then we’re here to help.

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