

4 938

Дополнительно о канале

Трэйлер канала:

Индекс успешности: 42

Дата создания: 03 Декабря 2010 08:06:35

Ключевые слова: naruto saibot001 001saibot saibot002 Daskleine Nachtwolf100 narutochaot SaiyanXMaster88Main joshberry777 Lefloid iBlali StrawbelIyCake itachi HD ″Hd amv″ ″Naruto hd amv″ ″naruto hd amv″ ″naruto amv″ ″sasuke vs itachi″ itachi&sasuke

Ссылка на канал: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC637i7DDZQ07SUYWX126Rlg

Описание канала

I am co-leader from
‡-Twisted Reality Production-‡
I am a total anime and game freak ^ __ ^

My favorite animes are

animes are Naruto / Naruto Shippuden, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, One pice and Bleach

My favorite games are

all the Naruto games, Resident Evil 1-5, Final Fantasy 7-10, Nier for Ps3, Tales of Symphonia, Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World, Tales of Vesperia, all the games of Assassins creed,

My music style

is rock / metal, techno music in general, Japanese rock and techno music

My hobbies are what to do with friends,include video and photo editing, play video games

My students in video editing and are Daskleine.

My role model is in video editing Nachtwolf100,SaiyanXMaster88Main and GregzAnimationz

In German and speak very bad English

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