League of Legends

League of Legends

5 700

Дополнительно о канале

Трэйлер канала: What is League of Legends?

Индекс успешности: 5 848 705 669

Дата создания: 09 Февраля 2009 23:19:08

Ключевые слова: LoL MMO Online Community Summoner Champion MMORPG RTS Riot Games ″Riot Games″ ″League of Legends″

Ссылка на канал: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2t5bjwHdUX4vM2g8TRDq5g

Описание канала

Recently recognized as the most played video game in the world—100 million play every month—League of Legends® is a multiplayer online battle arena game (MOBA).

Players choose a role from an expanding cast of powerful champions and join forces in strategic, fast-paced gameplay to take control of the enemy’s end of the battlefield.

Sign up for a free League of Legends account at http://riot.com/signup

Последние видео на канале

Взаимные рекомендации

Рекомендуемые каналы
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Garena 英雄聯盟
Riot Games Southeast Asia
University League of Legends
Riot Games Support
EU League Community
리그 오브 레전드
League of Legends - Hungary
League of Legends – Czech Republic
League of Legends - Italia
League of Legends - Polska
League of Legends - France
League of Legends - România
League of Legends - España
League of Legends Oceania
League of Legends RU
League of Legends Latinoamerica
League of Legends Brasil
League of Legends Türkiye
LoL Esports

Динамика канала
