TKA - Topic

TKA - Topic

3 940

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Индекс успешности: 1 187

Дата создания: 20 Июля 2013 23:09:10

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TKA is a Latin freestyle trio that was prominent in the 1980s and early 1990s, mainly in New York City, Chicago and Miami, Florida. Its members originally were Tony Ortiz, Louis ″Kayel″ Sharpe, and ″Aby″ Cruz—the original lead singer. Due to tension within the group between Kayel and Aby, the latter was later replaced by Angel ″Love″ Vasquez, which allowed Kayel to assume the lead vocals. The acronym TKA represents their collective initials. Early on, the group′s members would state in interviews that the acronym stood for ″Tony. Kayel and Aby ″ as well. All of TKA′s members are of Puerto Rican descent. Many Freestyle fans consider them the kings of that genre, although Kayel seemingly downplayed this label, having jokingly stated ″There are no kings in freestyle. There is only one king in it—myself.″
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