Iacopo Pesci

Iacopo Pesci

3 343

Дополнительно о канале

Трэйлер канала:

Индекс успешности: 114 993

Дата создания: 23 Марта 2015 17:30:22

Страна: GB

Ключевые слова: ″Very High Pitch Sound″ ″keep away mice″ ″Human Audio Spectrum″ ″20Hz to 20kHz″ ″pitch sound for kids″ ″pitch sound for dog″ ″pitch sound for animals″ ultrasound ″high pitch sound for mice″ ″keep mice away sounds″ ″sound to get mice away″ ″sound to scare Mice dogs cats″ Reptiles ″How to get rid of mice″ ″Ultrasonic Rodent Repelant″ ″Ultrasonic Mouse Repelant″ ″how to kill mice″ ″kill mice with a siund″ ″ultrasounds to scare animals″ ″get rats away with sounds″ ″how to keep away animals snake″

Ссылка на канал: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxOzK8E4TOCrqQyYc48Mt2A

Описание канала

Molte culture riconoscono l’importanza della musica e del suono come metodo di guarigione.
Nelle civiltà antiche dell’India, in Oriente, in Africa, in Europa e fra gli Aborigeni e gli indiani d’America, la pratica di usare il suono per guarire e realizzare l’equilibrio interiore del corpo è sempre esistita. I tibetani usano ancora le flange, i carillon, le campane e il canto come fondamento per loro pratica spirituale.

Many cultures recognize the importance of music and sound as a healing method.
In the ancient civilizations of India, in the East, in Africa, in Europe and among the Aborigines and Native Americans, the practice of using sound to heal and achieve inner balance of the body has always existed. The Tibetans still use bells, chimes, bells and chanting as the foundation for their spiritual practice.

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