Индекс успешности: 409
Дата создания: 27 Января 2015 03:53:58
Ссылка на канал: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuKgGZQadgHt0S1YmOfkWjg
Описание каналаMaddy | 16 | Aug 10 | SVP 12
keyframeshaun juice - 12/17/2017
the only people who think roblox is genuinely bad are the people who are just bandwagoners and listen to everything youtubers say and havent actually played the game, or people who have played the game and have only played bad games like ″adopt a cute child″ or ″meepcity″
″Y/N felt utter rejection, despite not actually ever being rejected in the first place. They felt like their existence in life was like saurux’s part in any given mep; That is, to say, that life would be better without their existence.″