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Дата создания: 04 Сентября 2014 05:07:40

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Описание канала

4 IX 2014 This new channel of mine, attempts to select and make a humble compilation from YT vids on Mr. Russell Brand as my modest but full of gratitude tribute to his witty brilliant most articulate character & his exemplary model role for the thousands (soon to be millions) of his followers and admirers in this platform. It is my small tiny retribution to all he gives us, Russellians, freely and daily during his monday to friday ″The Trews″ plus his diverse social networks. May it help to assist in the celerity needed to make of this plural and a little more democratic community to thrive and learn how to acquiesce and coallesce for the good of all and in trust of a common ideal : our togetherness, our sister~brotherhood, our attainment of a higher frequency and attunement into consciousness to save our planet and her sentient beings from any further ravaging from those that want us to keep blind from the destruction of our Mother, divine Earth ° so help us GOD

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