Индекс успешности: 14 047 669
Дата создания: 14 Февраля 2012 23:48:54
Страна: US
Ключевые слова: ASMR ″autonomous sensory meridian response″ meridian ″asmr relaxation″ ″asmr whisper″ ″accidentally graceful″ accidentallygraceful ″stress relief″ ″insomnia relief″ ″asmr therapy″ ″asmr video″ ″asmr massage″ ″asmr requests″ asmr ″whisper video″ ″accidentallygraceful asmr″ ″3d asmr″ ″3d haircut″ tingles haircut ″asmr roleplay″ ″asmr ear to ear″ ″asmr sleep″ ″asmr role play″ peace ″feminine asmr″ ″calming voice″
Ссылка на канал: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgpmBgxeWvmAVge2TmmgMVA
Описание каналаASMR \\ Relaxation \\ Sleep \\ #AGLforlife
I make videos to help you relax with ASMR (aka le ′tingles′), and/or find a bit of peace, happiness, and comfort in your day. Because sometimes we just need to get away from all the noise of the world and find somewhere calm for a little while. I hope within my channel you can find just that.