Индекс успешности: 0
Дата создания: 09 Октября 2010 21:31:59
Страна: IE
Ключевые слова: railway crossings trains level train railroad railways csx amtrak union pacific steam locos locomotives spoorweg Eisenbahn 鉄道 ferrovia ferrocarril железная дорога kolej żelazna 铁路 chemin de fer रेलवे 철도 rautatie dzelzceļš железопътен feroviar
Ссылка на канал: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbZylixikeS0UEVvoSu2jow
Описание каналаVideos of trains and level crossing from Ireland !.....Mostly....
I compiled a Google map with the location of all the level crossings in Ireland (except pedestrian, occupation and disused crossings) which you can view using the link below.
I′ve also created a Google map covering all the train stations on the island of Ireland, which is also linked below.
If you enjoy my videos, please like and subscribe to my channel.
Thanks !
All of my uploaded material is protected under copyright law. None of my videos may be re-uploaded, reproduced or transmitted, in part or in full, in any form or by any means, without the written permission of the copyright holder.
©Youtube.com/Irelandbloke 2020