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2 728

Реклама на канале

Обменяюсь рекламой с каналами похожей тематики.
Допустимое количество подписчиков от 84 до 484

Дополнительно о канале

Трэйлер канала:

Индекс успешности: 3

Дата создания: 29 Ноября 2016 09:33:05

Страна: CA

Ключевые слова: ″POM POM″ entertainment creative hobbies hobby хобби pompom pompomtoys развлечения творчество увлечения

Ссылка на канал: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_HiFDtph0eWjvh92y4mQsQ

Описание канала

★ Dear friends! ★
☆ Welcome to our POMPOM entertainment channel on You Tube! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_HiFDtph0eWjvh92y4mQsQ/playlists ☆
★ On our channel you can watch exciting videos on how you can make your own hands funny miniature of the usual and unusual materials! ★
☆ And then maybe you can look at the world around us with different eyes? ☆
★ If you like it, cause inspiration and it will be interesting, then you can do with their hands, too, something to try to do, to show their talents and abilities and to please yourself and your family and friends! ★
☆ And it can become your hobby?! ☆
★ In this case, nothing to limit your imagination! ★
☆ And in his work you can realize all your dreams and desires! ☆
★ Subscribe and put huskies! ★
☆ We will try and please you with new rollers! ☆
★ Thank you for being with us! ★
☆ Have a nice day and good mood! ☆
★ Light, goodness, love and happiness! ★
☆ Peace to your home! ☆

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