Bolshoi Theatre

Bolshoi Theatre

6 795

Дополнительно о канале

Трэйлер канала: Большой балет в кино 2017-18 - трейлер! - Bolshoi Ballet in cinema 2017-18 - trailer!

Индекс успешности: 65 656

Дата создания: 05 Ноября 2005 13:25:42

Ключевые слова: Bolshoi Theatre Большой театр opera ballet опера балет

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Описание канала

Официальный канал Государственного академического Большого театра России.
The State Academic Bolshoi Theatre of Russia is, and has always been, one of the main symbols of Russian state and culture. It is Russia′s main national theatre, a bearer of the traditions of Russian music culture and a centre of world music culture, the spearhead of the development of the country′s performing arts. The Bolshoi presents to its public opera and ballet productions of Russian classics (20th century included), Western classics (likewise inclusive of recognized 20th century masterpieces), and specially commissioned works.

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