Трэйлер канала: Why is the Solar System Flat?
Индекс успешности: 2 981 330 384
Дата создания: 20 Июня 2011 22:20:09
Ключевые слова: nobel prize sean carroll neil degrasse tyson minute physics uncertainty principle phd comics stephen hawking Brian Greene Henry Reich Grinnell college Physics cool science ″what is gravity?″ ″perimeter institute″ math pi gravity ″string theory″ quantum mechanics theoretical dark matter energy freddiew freddiew2 vihart xkcd mathematical TED ″TED talk″ khan academy io9 new scientist
Ссылка на канал: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUHW94eEFW7hkUMVaZz4eDg
Описание каналаSimply put: cool physics and other sweet science.
″If you can′t explain it simply, you don′t understand it well enough.″
~Rutherford via Einstein? (wikiquote)
Created by Henry Reich