Индекс успешности: 122
Дата создания: 19 Августа 2014 20:32:56
Ссылка на канал: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIvJNx2kuxXCKG5hucZ1pog
Описание каналаSouleaterheart′s New Channel
Saya || 17 || Irish || 11 January
Programs: Sony Vegas 12, Photoshop Cs 6, After Effects CS 6
Icon: VerityAMV
Banner: VerityAMV
Current obsessions: Haru, Koko, Yukine, Mikoshiba and Killua!
Im not much a writer. long paragraphs just arent my style so ill keep it short and sweet (like me :D except not really). Im a girl who loves to edit, watch anime and sleep (Mostly sleep)