Sheshina Ekaterina * HOW TO DRAW *

Sheshina Ekaterina * HOW TO DRAW *

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Индекс успешности: 48 152

Дата создания: 15 Января 2017 00:21:13

Страна: RU

Ключевые слова: paint drawing painting art artist ″art ideas″ ″how to draw″ ″how to draw a″ ″how to″ ″how to paint″ ″soft pastel″ ″sheshina ekaterina″ ″как рисовать пастелью″ ″speed drawing″ pastel illustration ″hd channel″ tutorial ″pastel painting″ ″learn to draw″ ″free drawing tutorials″ ″free drawing school″ ″step by step drawing″ ″drawing lessons″ ″drawing video″ ″drawing lessons for biginners″

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Описание канала

Hello! My name is Ekaterina Sheshina.
I am a professional artist-designer.
On my Youtube channel, you will see how to draw with soft pastels.

I′m uploading real-time or speed drawings/paintings video tutorials every Tuesday and Friday.
Make sure to subscribe so you don′t miss anything!

You can also follow me on Instagram, where I publish photos, small videos and additional materials for video tutorials!
Welcome, and I hope that you will be interested!

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