Kristin McGee

Kristin McGee

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Индекс успешности: 0

Дата создания: 21 Мая 2010 16:37:14

Ключевые слова: ″Kristin McGee″ Yoga ″Weight Loss″ Bendigirl

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Описание канала

Throughout her career, Kristin has been a pioneer in making yoga more accessible. She helped launch the Peloton yoga program and is currently instructing with them. Kristin has starred in yoga DVD’s, has privately trained celebrities and has written books about the value of the yoga in everyday life. As a busy mom of three boys, Kristin strongly believes that just a few minutes of yoga a day can bring more balance and harmony to your life. Kristin’s classes will ground you, challenge you to focus on the moment and connect your mind, body and breath.

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